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5 Questions With A 5er: Elaina Francisco


Meet our Office Manager, Elaina Francisco!

Learn about Elaina's background, what drew her to 5by5, what she's learning and what's inspiring her.

What were you doing before this?

I was a client manager for a performance coaching company. It was a great experience to learn about both marketing and client care. I also learned a lot about what I want in a healthy work environment. 

What drew you to 5by5?

The core values drew me to 5by5. The first one says two things matter: God and people – that’s how I live and want to work.

What’s one thing we would not guess about childhood Elaina?

Fun fact: I took Hindi from a 100-year-old woman for about a year. Unfortunately, I do not remember anything.

What’s one thing you are trying to learn right now?

I’m working on resting well. I have some mentors in this area and want to learn now so that I can practice healthy rest for the remainder of my life.

Who is a change maker that is inspiring you right now?

I am so inspired by how JoyBridge Kids cares for not only autistic children, but also the children's’ families and their employees.


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