Welcome New Clients – November 2020
Despite the many challenges of 2020, we continue to join forces with incredible change makers across all five of our industries to optimize their impact. Being apart of their story is why we exist, and we couldn't be more excited to welcome this new crew of clients to our 5by5 family:
The Farm Sports Athletic Performance Center is an athletic performance & development facility founded to provide an all-inclusive training center for athletes of all ages to grow and advance in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Tennessee Coalition for Health Science and BioStem Education is supporting BioSTEM education across the State of Tennessee.
Jews for Jesus is a non-profit Messianic Jewish Christian organization that proselytizes to Jews.
Nations University is an online, nonprofit, accredited university. It serves the student who seeks a quality education in religious studies at an affordable price.
Purgenix delivers an unmatched combination of state-of-the-art technology and end-to-end service offering to protect the lives of patients, employees and visitors by cleaning the air they breathe.
African Leadership is an international community of people who are committed to leveraging who they are, giving what they have, using what they know, and learning what they don’t in order to spark eternal change across Africa.
Abundant Life is a ministry located in Lee's Summit, MO committed to seeing lives change by Jesus.
An Open Door Adoption Agency preserves and enhances human life through the placement of domestic and international children into loving Christian adoptive families.
AdCritter is an advanced programmatic ad platform, allowing small businesses to precisely target ads to their most likely buyers.