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A forest of pine trees on a foggy day with the Camp 5by5 Logo as an overlay

Camp 5by5: When Digital Agencies Go Analog

When 5by5 wants to do some team building, we go BIG. In 2019, we took our entire company out to the hills of East Tennessee for three days of no-holds-barred fun.  We called it Camp 5by5.

How much fun? This is the aftermath of a paint war we had on the very first day:

That pretty much set the tone for the rest of the trip, which included white water rafting, a competition where we made boats from cardboard (and sailed them!), party games we made up, and playing Knocker Ball, which... just Google it.

It was truly an incredible weekend that none of us will soon forget. We had a great time and we genuinely got to know each other better as a team. We even made it back with everyone after the white water rafting trip! If that doesn’t qualify as a huge success, nothing does.

The best part of the whole thing was we had a camera crew follow us around the whole time a la’ The Office. That let us live out our fantasy of making a reality series filled with moments from the weekend, snarky remarks in the confessional and casting knowing looks at the camera whenever anyone did something questionable.

The result is a fun little project called, you guessed it... Camp 5by5: The Series. There are 4 episodes in all, we think they're essential viewing! Stream away!

Camp 5by5 Episode 1: Beastmode

Camp 5by5 Episode 2: Strategy and Savagery

Camp 5by5 Episode 3: That Float Life

Camp 5by5 Episode 4: This Is Us


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