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If you confuse, you’ll lose.


StoryBrand is a brand messaging framework created by New York Times best-selling author Donald Miller using the seven elements of great storytelling to grow businesses. As a StoryBrand-certified marketing agency, our team is made up of experts in using this process to make your message radically more efficient and effective.

  • StoryBrand Introduction
  • StoryBrand Lab
  • BrandScript Development
  • Sales Funnel Development

Why StoryBrand?

A lot of businesses position themselves as the hero of the story: the ones with the biggest and best product or service that will swoop in and save the day. StoryBrand flips that narrative to position your audience as the hero and your organization as the guide helping them along their journey. In other words, your audience is Luke Skywalker; you are Yoda. This change in mindset has a dramatic impact on everything you do, from the way you build your website to how you plan an email campaign. And, most importantly – it drives results.

Why 5by5?

5by5 and StoryBrand were practically made for each other. We had an obsession with clarity long before StoryBrand came along, so when we met, it was like love at first sight. As one of the few StoryBrand-certified agencies in the country, we regularly combine our deep well of experience in refining brand messages with the power of the StoryBrand framework. Our team is ready to provide you with a suite of tools that will help you define your audience, clarify your message and get results like never before.

StoryBrand Insights

View more StoryBrand Insights
StoryBrand Highlights


ADVENT is an ear, nose and throat practice in the greater Milwaukee area that provides a unique alternative to conventional ENT practices.

View Project Highlight
A husband and wife sitting on a bed holding their two daughters as they pet their dog

"StoryBrand has been a very powerful tool for us. It has given us a shared language that we've been able to incorporate at all levels of the organization."

Audrey Kidd | Chief Revenue and Customer Experience Officer

United Methodist Publishing House

The mock-up of a cover to a guide titled "Four Ways to Know When It's Time For A Rebrand"
How Healthy Is Your Brand?
Your brand is the foundation of your business, but as time goes on it becomes more and more important to take the time to give it a check-up. In our Four Ways to Know It’s Time For a Rebrand guide, we highlight some practical things you can do to make sure your brand is saying exactly what you need it to.
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// Smart digital reaches

Digital Marketing

// Clear plans win

Marketing Strategy

// Research is power

Market Research

// Effective creative moves

Creative Marketing

Ready to clarify your message, maximize your reach and get results? ?

We work hard to understand your needs, challenges and the goals tied to your mission, allowing us to come alongside your team as committed partners. We'd love to talk about how we could partner with you!

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Let's Talk

Whether your goal is to expand your impact, alter brand behavior or reach around the globe, we can help.

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